As a nonprofit organization that has received a Google Ad Grant (or one that is currently looking into or in process of applying for the grant), you may also be looking into companies like Beeline that provide Google Ad Grant management as a service. Outsourcing the management of your Google Ads can …
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9 Ironclad Reasons To Get Expert Google Ad Grant Management
Introduction If there's one element of digital nonprofit marketing that carries the promise of great potential at no direct cost, it's the Google Ad Grant. Inspired by Google's aim to drive social good, these ads represent an annual gift of up to $120,000 in in-kind ad spend for …
When It Comes to Google Ad Grant Management, Trust, but Verify
Have you worked with professionals in the past who have made big promises about the type of results they could deliver to your nonprofit and then failed to deliver? Maybe they were outside fundraising professionals who you paid to help execute a fundraising campaign or event, or a nonprofit …