Chris, Customer Happiness Director
Hometown: Fort Collins, Colorado
What he likes about his job: Coming up with brilliant ideas. Then testing them to see whether they’re actually any good.
Strength: People pleaser
Weakness: People pleaser
Has read: Dozens of audio books a year while doing dishes

Lydia, Director of Strategy
Hometown: Neustadt-am-Rübenberge, Germany
What she likes about her job: Learning about all the different things people do. Solving problems, the more complicated the better. Taking all the bits of information she’s given and putting together a coherent picture.
Strength: Resilience (doesn’t give up)
Weakness: Can be thrown off by a change in plans
Has read: Way too many books on decluttering and organizing

Affan, Partner, Consultant, & Data Guru
Hometown: Karachi, Pakistan
What he likes about his job: Diving deep into the data and finding insights that are not easily visible to the naked eye! And then taking all that information and optimizing ads and campaigns based on that data.
Strength: Honesty
Weakness: Procrastination
Has read: Lots of short articles but not too many books!

Samira, Graphic Designer
Hometown: Lörrach, Germany
What she likes about her job: Turning collaborative ideas into a reality. The process of chiseling down sketches and drafts and polishing them to create a final design.
Strength: Adaptable
Weakness: After Eights
Has read: The start of countless books